lthough,when exchanging garlands, it’s probably not a good sign to have the person who is supposed to just handover the garland to you, to actually go ahead and garland the groom, and that is defined funny.What happened next is nothing but hilarity, but one of the many things to wonder but instantaneously raises the question, is it a problem sometimes of choosing the right clothing to wear? on D-Day? I have no specific idea, but I am sure our many super Models have had such embarrassing nuances in the past, yet this one certainly takes the cake.But no worries even after the best of tries things go wrong? In today’s highly technological era, the cameras around us would make for videos that would certainly make it go viral and help you attain more than that 15 seconds of fame
Oops! Things didn’t go as well as planned for this guy
lthough,when exchanging garlands, it’s probably not a good sign to have the person who is supposed to just handover the garland to you, to actually go ahead and garland the groom, and that is defined funny.What happened next is nothing but hilarity, but one of the many things to wonder but instantaneously raises the question, is it a problem sometimes of choosing the right clothing to wear? on D-Day? I have no specific idea, but I am sure our many super Models have had such embarrassing nuances in the past, yet this one certainly takes the cake.But no worries even after the best of tries things go wrong? In today’s highly technological era, the cameras around us would make for videos that would certainly make it go viral and help you attain more than that 15 seconds of fame
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