Prakash Adhikari
HIV-AIDS has devastated the family bayalaki simjapatiko ACHHAM manasara nine years. Kul Bahadur Bista husband in bed suffering illness mean that his death even healthy son killed throat. Even a single incident manasaralai relatives 'devil' in the village there. Illness, he arrived in the Sahara looking for Maiti village Dailekh- jaksima. Sweet-fine food can make the trip status (Bombay) rushed her husband to return so soon carry disease 'bye' he might think of her that.

Mistakes can lead to face punishment is wrong. However, her husband evil punishment ¥ endure this manasarale junibhara. Today, tomorrow and maternal refuge abroad have begun to be strong, he looks as sisters joined the initiative. "My parents also were infected with HIV at first scorned advised him, 'manasara pain anguish," declared basasameta were different. IANS painthena some touch. Behavior changes came after pooling. "
HIV-AIDS BS 065 women lost their husbands' access to change that opened Organization. Single women, single women group was formed under the leadership of the next morning, regular savings, and other activities to them. The organization created a place to share the pain and sisters to one another. And for infected drug began to reach the village. Due to regular drug and confidence chotimdo age is now lambimdo. Karnali Highway, the jaksima manasarako 'telarina Center' is. There has to cope with the villagers, clothing, this trade him now.

Jumla, calrsaki Dhansara manasarako savadako pain is like. 057 in the husband's death, a family member drove him from home. Seeking refuge option maternal families. My parents came home with two children holding their infant rakama karnalisthita. My parents house, lands ephod. Mushroom, vegetable farming and retail food stores are named with two-four to earn money. Children are the high cost of earning money and housework dhaneki. Health, matters have been.
Bombay AIDS infection through unsafe sex with their husbands have ÷ prematurely due to HIV has been identified. District Western bhekabata to earn money to go to different cities each year, young people in India. There is some reason to unsafe sex, HIV-AIDS infected return ÷. Unaware that he can not find their wives have been infected. As a result, the birth goes drank become infected. Thus the destruction of a family reaches the mouth.
Husband Keith found out last year in the area of ​​health and income-infected women are killed turnaround. Now waiting for the last few years, the sisters died trailing local common language 'Didi' have. Rakamaka soon fisherman, haita fisherman, insurance Vic, Vic tilepataka manasara, hiukala Vic, singaudika laksima Karki, burn fishery, retail shops and multifunctional nanidevi Shahi started cultivating mushrooms.
District AIDS Coordination Committee Coordinator Deepa Vohra infected sisters are struggling amazed. 'Jinavadekhi die meekly say "no mess that famous gitajhaim' Life Gail and her friends proceeded to defeat after regular treatment and counseling in the villages are trying to produce gold. Deepa says, health sudhriela unexpected that some women are survivors racism. Kunaivela 'are soon to die, "galahatyaieka remote areas that have many things to learn from these women.'

Taps ÷ HIV AIDS 'terrible disease, incurable disease that women were also infected with this disease DPO rural locals that the increasingly intense freely. Treatment and counseling were also found that common diseases anyajastai is chaisakeko primitive consciousness. Rakama Karnali Health SI Rana Bahadur Chand says, "These svatasrphuta blood tests to come. Examinations were confirmed HIV seem to despair. Drug subject to return to double check. "
First there was the case. There was easy access to public health facilities, especially in the West DPO. As recently as the village-forming traffic was not enough. As a result, the disease is discovered abundant deposits went reluctantly tragedy. Raffaele jhamkrikai customarily rely on. When the face of death dumps galahatyaera. "As recently as her husband was receiving medical treatment in the village would parthena see gruesome death," says ACHHAM calrsaki Dhansara savada, 'but now I could do bamculajasto century. "
In recent years, public awareness activities in various associations, free blood testing and provide counseling services to the affected region are doing and find the cure and AIDS distortions respectively are backing. That I am infected with no fear of opening too. Khulekaharu groups and co-operatives are affiliated. Sankramitaharule own entity and a variety of programs and are a regular savings. Received regular medical treatment and counseling is increasing awareness that a struggle.
District Health karyalayaantargata record AIDS Coordination Committee, 061 BS 2 9 persons infected have died. So far, 20 have been opened at 9 that were themselves infected. One 9 1 men, 118 women and 25 are children. District most of Narayan Municipality and West DPO rakama Karnali, singaudi, sinhasaina, pipalakota, local, tilepata are more affected areas.

Lakandra-9, 36-year-old royal pamcamahine rithu are pregnant. He came from a regular check up, slowing down the delivery room this time she tested HIV. The Indian city of Bombay, last April and returned safely Lok bataumdasameta husband did not believe. And, garbhe baby milk testing. Health "is not HIV 'insisted she became confident. Talk of the village heard of HIV AIDS ÷ rithule be confidence that even her husband refused to believe. And, pointing to jamcain.
Lakandraki rithujastai women in rural locals have begun regular garbhasamgai HIV testing. District Hospital, Dullu, naumule and Lakandra babies born mothers infected with HIV could be prevented health service has been expanded. Usually mothers who give birth to baby HIV infection emerges. Such a system could protect newborn babies born infected mothers' Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission Service Technology "(piematisiti) called.
District AIDS Coordination Committee (dyaka) The Coordinator Deepa Vohra garbhajamcakai take time to serve as the pregnancy was revealed additional hassle behornunaparne. "Blood test center, mobile camp tested women hesitant when garbhajamcakai Vela HIV to find out the best time," Vohra says, "This health facilities came confidently check up very challenging. 'National AIDS and STIs Control Center it so far, the best method said. Of pregnant women were infected with HIV in the secure born babies 9 0 per cent claimed that experts could move to save.
  (SSN Feature Service)

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